Meet Giri Cavale: One of the most sought-after photography mentors in India. He has also co-founded LensOwl, which is headquartered in Bengaluru.

WallMag: Tell our readers a bit about yourself.

Giri Cavale is an Indian wildlife photographer and photography mentor. Known for his mercurial senses that aid him in discerning and documenting exceptional experiences in the wild, Giri is a storyteller who believes in the poetry of pixels. His seasoned expertise and unfaltering instinct as a natural history expert, combined with his conscientious passion for teaching wildlife photography, have made Giri one of the most sought-after photography mentors in India. He has also co-founded LensOwl, which is headquartered in Bengaluru.

WallMag: Tell us where it all begun. How did you become a wildlife photographer?

Giri’s love for wildlife was instilled in him at a tender age. While his evocative art of the elusive cats remains one of his most notable accomplishments today, his love for all wild-beings has an enduring history to it. He was that wide-eyed boy who spent hours watching anything from a butterfly to a bird, a lizard to a mammal. Until about twenty years later when he started photography, young Giri’s way of documenting his wildlife experiences was writing.

WallMag: What are the main challenges that you face as a wildlife photographer?

It is really challenging to make this as a full-time profession in India. I struggled during my initial years to find a foothold. This profession incurs a lot of costs, equipment, travel etc.

WallMag: What do you love most about your work as a wildlife photographer?

Being out there amongst nature.

WallMag: What advice would you give to young photographers who are just starting out and considering pursuing a career in wildlife photography?

Give your 100 %, stick to a plan, I'm sure you will make your mark someday. And its always good to have a plan B in case this doesn't work out.

WallMag: What equipment is in your kit bag?

Lots, in terms of lenses I would say 10mm-800mm lenses depending on where I go and what subject I photograph. I'm predominately a Nikon shooter over the last two decades, my current cameras are D5 and D850. Flash, remote triggers since I do a lot of camera trap work.

WallMag: Most memorable wildlife photo you have ever shot.

WallMag: The story behind the above photo.

I was tracking these courting leopards for two days. This particular evening, they were mating on a tree, the male was resting and the female (in the air) wanted to cross over. I pre visualised this picture a minute before and was ready with the frame in my mind. Knowing animal behaviour helped me achieve this.

WallMag: Share images that are very special to you

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