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Meet Riddhesh Patel: A Minimalist Photographer

Meet Riddhesh Patel: A Minimalist Photographer

WallMag: Tell us about your first introduction to photography. What drew you into this world?


I began taking pictures in my college days when smartphones were introduced. I always loved geometry and shapes. I used to always hunt for shapes and symmetry in my frames. So there's a short story behind it how I started Minimalism photography. I was standing near a plain wall that had two bright red doors on it. I opened my camera, took a picture of it, and captured them. That image gave me peace and for some reason, I liked it a lot even though it was pretty much basic and simple. Later I started capturing such images that have more negative space. De-cluttering unwanted things while keeping my frame neat and clean. After that, I started applying my crafts and creative mind to create minimal pictures.

WallMag: Can you tell us about your achievements in life regarding photography?


I have been provided with Instagram's suggested user badge. My photography image was selected in a competition and got displayed on Mumbai Metro. I have worked and been working with many national & international brands, been collaborating and providing them with my minimal images & art concept.

WallMag: How do you prepare for your projects? Do you picture beforehand in your mind the images you take?


Specifically for projects, I sketch a blueprint in my mind about how to showcase my object. What colors, props, etc to be used so that it meets the brand's requirements. Sometimes I have to prepare a rough schematic diagram on paper if I want to do a Stop Motion video. And to be honest, many a time I just think then start working on my project and get the ideas on the spot. It's like a trial and error process.

WallMag: Developing a minimalist approach to photography is something you’re known for. Why this style and what influences lie behind your unique visuals?


I liked the amount of peace and visual delight I get when I remove the unwanted things from my frame. Keeping it simple and basic is my aim. I think with less you can create more and express more what you want to convey. It's often said simple things are the most complex. This is what exactly I try to convey my artworks to the audience by challenging this fact.

WallMag: Can you give us an insight into the dynamics behind your photos? Do you take them all yourself? Or do you get help from others to create these artistic shoots?


98 percentage of images are taken by me (2 percent are such images where I am myself in the frame for which my friends assist me) and talking about minimal flat lay images for my project works I take all the images by myself.

WallMag: What’s the most challenging aspect you’ve faced when capturing compositions? And how did you get past it?


Usually, when I am on run for minimal Photowalk on the streets I stumble with some obstacles like too many people around in my frame, some tree or overhead wires, etc coming in my view when I am about to take photos of facades of the building. Many a time it is unavoidable and I cannot do much about it. So I select a timeframe and less crowded and only such locations and LOS is good.

WallMag: How do you think your work will change in the next few years?


I have just one thing kept in mind. That's to be consistent and keep following what I am doing. I am learning new ways and some more techniques which might help to master my art in the future. Also, I have been seeing that minimalism trend has taken speed in recent years at least in India (other countries wee bit ahead of us in this art form) So hoping more people will understand and try to apply this art form in the future.

WallMag: Can you throw some light on your photography process, from start to end? Is there any specific camera or lens you prefer to use?


Firstly, I would like to say that I do not use how to operate DSLR, I have zero knowledge about the lens, ISO, shutter speed, etc. and such technical terms. I am doing my projects and minimal photography completely on a mobile camera and that too on a normal inbuilt camera mode and not on pro mode. I do not even have a tripod, stands, and lightings. I make sure that whatever photos I shoot are in the presence of natural light and by using the inbuilt grid feature available in every mobile camera.

WallMag: What photo-editing program do you use?


I mostly edit my photos on the Instagram app and the PicsArt app. There are no high-end software applications that I use in the process.

WallMag: Is there anything you would like to share with our readers?


Patience is the first key. Followed by dedication and consistency. If you love photography no matter which genre it is. My personal experience is to keep doing and experimenting with new things. Do not take a pause. You never know which idea strikes you and that can be a breakthrough. The most important thing. Do it for yourself. Not to satisfy others, not to be in a race with others, not for the sake of followers, not for the numbers. Compete with yourself and try to improvise on yourself.

You can follow Riddhesh Patel on Instagram to stay updated with his work.